The board
22 Trading posts, divided into 8 provinces
4 Borders
4 Temples
Golden Pot
Market (LUDUS)
Secret Mission
2 Tax
Go to Start
The player has to deposit a minimum of 3500 XPOL into his game account and stake the AVATAR NFT.
Click the START button and the board game will be created.
Now the dice can be rolled.
The play
The player has to roll the dice. If a double is rolled on the dice, the turn is not switched.
If the player lands on a trading post, he has to buy it.
When a player owns all posts in the same province, the income of the posts doubles.
Landing on the opponent's post, on borders, temples, or tax involves the payment of a fee.
Completing a round rewards the player with wages paid by the Treasury Department.
Player level and wages
There are four levels in the game: plebeian, citizen, patrician and senator.
The player start with plebeian level and 100 XPOL wages.
Citizen level - when player upgrades the first post to level 1. Wages increase to 150 XPOL.
Patrician level - when player upgrades the first post to level 2. Wages increase to 200 XPOL.
Senator level - when player upgrades the first post to level 3. Wages increase to 250 XPOL.
Market and swaps
At the beginning of the game, the Market is locked. It can be unlocked when all the trading posts have been sold.
Once the Market is unlocked, the players can swap the trading posts with each other. If the player swaps a post of lesser value than Magnus, he has to pay 5 times the difference. If the value is greater, he obtains 5 times the difference of value.
The swaps can happen only when one of the players is visiting the Market.
When are no more posts to swap, the Marketplace transforms into LUDUS.
Once the player owns all the trading posts of the same province, he can proceed with the upgrades.
The upgrade is possible only when the player is visiting the post. All the posts need to have the same level in order to upgrade to the next one.
The posts can be upgraded maximum to level 3.
Level 1 – amount to pay: 4 × post value, income = 4 x post income
Level 2 and 3 – amount to pay: 2 x post value, income = 2 x post income
Any time the player upgrades a post, he will receive a small amount of MATIC.
Game duration
The game ends when the player finishes all the 200 rounds, or 400 rounds if he had staked the ULTRA MODUM NFT.
Once the games started, the player has the chance to buy additional rounds but no more than 200 per game.
Price: 5000 XPOL per 10 rounds.
Quit game
The player is able to quit the game any time he wants.
The NFTs staked will not be unstaked.
If the player finishes all the rounds, he will receive a 10% bonus of the invested amount.
If the player chooses to end the game before complete all the rounds, he will be penalized with 10% of the invested amount.
The invested amount includes: XPOL paid for buying and upgrading the trading posts
The player can withdraw the MATIC earned during the game when the balance reaches 5 MATIC.
Last updated